W3LC0M3 T0 MY P4G3 !!

This page is currently in a HEAVY WIP! The navigation section leads 2 nowhere at the moment, but LINK5 (links) page is now made.

I will be updating this bit by bit and eventually it'll get finished!

I've always known about neocities but i never knew how'd I make my own site. After learning some basic codes on spacehey and rentry I've descided to make my own site! I don't know how mobile friendly it is... you could probably still read it but i suggest to read on desktop!

This space is just 4 me to express my interests and learn how to do html and css. As carrd is a bit restrictive (although its very easy) to work on!

reminder 4 me... work on 4B0UT M3 page!

derek's guestbook

go sign my guestbook !


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